Words Change Hearts and Inspire Greatness #IWSG #GOODVIBES #AMWRITING

[I wrote this post as a member of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group where we share our worries and also offer support and encouragement to each other on the first Wednesday of every month. If you’re a writer like me and you’re looking for a bit of support, you can click the link and sign up here]

This month’s awesome Co-Hosts feature other fabulous writing friends: Lee Lowery, Juneta Key, Yvonne Ventresca, and T. Powell Coltrin! 

Check out our IWSG homepage for recent news and events.  And as always, thank you to founder Alex J. Cavaugh 🙂 


The meaning of words strung together to communicate meaning has changed through my experiences.

As a child, I struggled to read. I struggled to communicate my complicated thoughts clearly so others understood what I meant for them to hear. In high school, I thought if I knew complicated words, I’d master the art of reading. I studied words in a seminars class. I’d write out lists of vocabulary terms, synonyms, antonyms, and all the definitions. The problem later came to be, I couldn’t figure out how to incorporate these new complex words into my own speaking. Until I discovered Shakespeare. I fell in love with his speech.

This month’s IWSG Question asked: What was an early experience where you learned that language had power?

Words and meanings have changed. They continue to change as I work to simplify more with less. Later in my career centered world, I discovered the power of the spoken word—finally. Someone actually believed in my presentation skills enough to hire me as a public speaker. I spoke every day in presentations to managers for three years.

Now when I think of the power of the word and language, one movie, one vision flashes through my mind. In this single vision I see this man’s emotionally distraught face with giant eyes, bulging veins in the neck and a wide-open mouth as he helplessly screams “FREEDOM!”

You’ve got it. Braveheart. Mel Gibson has always been one heck of an actor in my book. Moved, I couldn’t help but feel my own heart sink and soar on a roller coaster of hope and sorrow. This is a GIPHY MP4. The actual seen in my head is too heart wrenching to share.

My mind shifts again. When was the last time someone told you something great about you? If it’s been longer than you can think, I hope you can say something great about yourself, right now.

Use your words to inspire. To give hope. Everyone deserves a shot at his or her dreams.

About Erika Beebe

Author, dreamer, and a momma to a couple of wonderful kids, I try to live life everyday in hope and inspire others along my way.

Posted on May 1, 2019, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 26 Comments.

  1. That was a very moving moment in the film.

  2. I always smile when I read your posts or see your pics. You are so inspiring when it comes to living with joy.

    Love the Braveheart reference. One passionate word, when all seems lost, yet still so powerful.

  3. Ronel Janse van Vuuren

    A moving post 🙂

    Ronel visiting on #IWSG day: Help me, please!

  4. I need a Thesaurus for those complicated words.

    Now I am all inspired.

  5. Your post made me think of a saying I encountered as a teen: “The kindest word in all the world is the unkind word, unsaid.” It has stayed with me ever since.
    Happy IWSG Day.

  6. Nicely said. Words are powerful. I was struck by the importance of your job–as a public speaker–to communicate those words. I bet your ‘voice’ was as important as the words!

  7. When I’m around young people, which is everyone lately, I focus on acceptance. Nothing like a warm blanket on the soul. 😉

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  8. tyreanmartinson

    Yes! Words are powerful. Spoken words can be awesome for lifting people up and encouraging ourselves, as well as others.

  9. Jennifer Lee Hawes

    If we can convey such an emotional resonance in our writing as some of these great movies, we’d hit the mark! Have you read Story Genius? It’s all about the emotional connection with the reader. Thanks for sharing!

    • Thank you for stopping in Jennifer. I have read Lisa’s book. It’s fantastic! The emotional connection is lacking in so many current books I read. Sigh. I aim to create it too 😊

  10. I’m sure struggling to read did show you the power of words in a frustrating way but helped you grow as a person. I bet you never thought you’d be a writer.

  11. I love the idea of using words to inspire. 🙂

  12. You’re so right. When words are spun just right, they give me goosebumps.

  13. You have the right idea: let’s all say something great about ourselves. Surely, it would make us feel better. Now, if only I could think of even one great word to describe myself… Maybe ‘persistent’? Is it a great word?

  14. I haven’t watched Braveheart is sooooo long. Where am I going to find 3 hours to watch it again?….

  15. A great answer to the question. I’m particularly pleased because this was my question. Thanks, Erika.

  16. Loni Townsend

    This is extremely reflective of what I’ve been learning through Positive Parenting Solutions in my effort to help my son. I’ve learned the difference between praise and encouragement, and how important it all is. I’ve changed the way I speak, and it’s made a vast improvement in just a week’s time. Proof’s right there that words have power.

  17. Tonja Drecker

    Loved reading this post! Words spun just right are amazing. Nothing seems to be able to stop them. It was inspiring to read how they’ve molded you and changed over the years.

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