5 Reasons to Love Charles M. Schulz’s Peanuts Gang and Thankful Book Blessings #IWSG

Charles M. Schulz did me a fantastic favor when he created the Peanuts Gang and animated important lessons about the holidays. With Thanksgiving a few short days away, my kiddos and I have been soaking in the Thanksgiving and Mayflower specials.

To show you what these thoughtful cartoons mean to me and my family, I’ve asked my kids to narrate 5 thankful lessons they each learned from Snoopy or any of the characters. Here’s what they had to say 🙂









The holidays are the perfect time to reflect on what matters most, to relax, to focus on the good in who we are and what we do. To give thanks where thanks is needed.

In honor of family and dreams worth chasing, I’m also taking time to thank my Writers Group and Publisher. Thank you to IWSG and always being there to support all of us writers, authors and dreamers. Thank you for all the opportunities to help us grow and give us faith in what we hope to accomplish.

Print ISBN 9781939844361 eBook ISBN 9781939844378 Fantasy Available at: Amazon (US) Amazon (Canada) Amazon (UK) Barnes & Noble (print book) Barnes & Noble (ebook) iTunes or Kobo

My short story The Wheat Witch was picked by the IWSG Contest Judges last January and I’m so honored to have met all the other wonderful authors. So if you’re interested in a great book of stories about fallen heroes and the journey to climb back up, check out Hero Lost: Mysteries of Death and Life. My own story shares what I loved so much about the Kansas farmland. It was a magical place for me growing up. I loved my grandparents so much and especially, listening to their stories on the farm in a time before electricity, indoor bathrooms and refrigerators. I still remember my grandmother laughing about birthday presents as baths in the farm animal watering tanks, or the chores before the sun rose no matter the weather, and how church was the center of social life aside from helping the family and maintaining the farm.

Enough about me and my memory lane. Take a moment to check out other lovely books by my publisher at Dancing Lemur Press LLC. You’ll find all sorts of subjects from natural disasters, space travel, religious devotions and even young adult.



Author Alex J. Cavanaugh, Founder of IWSG

What was the last Schulz cartoon you watched? Do you have another favorite holiday movie tradition? Any favorite holiday books?

Thank you for visiting me. Have a lovely rest of your week 🙂

About Erika Beebe

Author, dreamer, and a momma to a couple of wonderful kids, I try to live life everyday in hope and inspire others along my way.

Posted on November 21, 2017, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. Hi Erika ,

    wonderful post. Kids are wonderful and honest beings. I.love them,they are honest always. I love that quote by Charles

    Thank you …keep writing 🙂

  2. Thank you so much for your encouraging words, Ben. I love my children so much. Children are the greatest blessings from above. Have a wonderful week 🙂

  3. Thank you for featuring some of DLP’s books.

    That’s sweet you had them draw Peanuts characters with a thankful saying. I loved Peanuts when I was a kid and drew Snoopy all the time.

  4. So cute, Erika. I love the illustrations. I’m a huge fan of the cartoon version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I watch it every year and make everyone else watch it with me. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Your kids are fledging cartoonists! What a great idea to have them illustrate the lessons of thankfulness. Did you see the Charles Shultz museum? Unfortunately, it was victim to the Santa Rosa fire this year. Very sad.

    I really enjoyed your story in the anthology. Congrats on being included.

    • Hi Lee. I heard his museum burned down and I am so sad! I never had a chance to see it. Thank you for sharing with me how you enjoyed my story. I hope to turn out more this year. Happy holidays and thank you for stopping in 🙂

  6. I always loved Snoopy. I’d look forward to the specials as a kid- they were such a treat.

    Dancing Lemur is amazing to work with! And so were all of you authors!

  7. Those look like home school assignments. =) I never really got into Charlie Brown. Too much of a pessimist. *shrugs* Last year for Thanksgiving, we had a gratitude tree–a tree poster where we taped leafs on, and we wrote something we were grateful for on each leaf. I missed the tree this year and have decided that needs to become a tradition.

    I love memory lane, btw.

  8. I haven’t watched a Charles Schultz inspired cartoon in many years. In recent decades A Christmas Story is the film I tend to watch at least once every year unless I happen to catch it on a network marathon and then I might watch it a number times during the course of a single day.

    The artwork and writing from your children gave me a smile. Lately I’ve been going through old stuff and organizing and have found a lot of stuff like this from when my own children were young. I’ve been boxing it all up to take to them at Christmas. I thought it would be fun for them to go through it all and keep what they wanted. Me, I’m trying to get rid of as much as I can. Downsizing is always a challenge for those of us who keep a lot of stuff.

    Tossing It Out

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