IWSG POST 17: Writing & Motivation


[I wrote this post as a member of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group where we share our worries and also offer support and encouragement to each other on the first Wednesday of every month. If you’re a writer like me and you’re looking for a bit of support, you can click the link and sign up here]

This month’s awesome hosts are, Misha Gericke, LK Hill, Juneta Key, Joylene Buter

Thank you so much!


Dr. Seuss QuoteToday, I’m digressing.

Today, I scratched my original post for a whole different reason.

I can’t stop smiling and I’m here to share my smile with you.

Sunday night, my kids’ preschool teacher came over for dinner. She brought over a couple of Dr. Seuss books and the stuffed characters to match. My kids quickly ran to their rooms and got out the rest of their Seuss characters, piled them all on the couch and set up a pretend classroom. They read all their characters books about themselves, teaching them important things to remember and asking them some really great questions. In any case, these stuffed characters go everywhere these days. From the breakfast table, to the same table at homework time, to bed, even piano practice.

Moments like these remind me of why I write. Not just because of the passion I feel when I’m crafting words. Not just because of the themes I want to share with the world to provoke thought and inspire hope.

My kids are the reason. Dreams. I’m showing them by dreaming, believing in my dreams, and doing, they can be anything they want to be if they’re willing to work at it.

“Oh The Places, They will,” most definitely go.

So today, no matter where you are in your writing world, you’re giving someone hope.

You’re putting in time and effort to achieve your dreams.

That’s something.

And other miracles?

Hero Lost: Mysteries of Death and Life is proof in hard work and dreams come true. Please check out our new website and blog to find out more about twelve amazing authors with twelve amazing stories of losing it all and figuring out what to do from there.


img_7049Pretty Please? I have a pretty tasty sucker here 🙂

About Erika Beebe

Author, dreamer, and a momma to a couple of wonderful kids, I try to live life everyday in hope and inspire others along my way.

Posted on February 1, 2017, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 44 Comments.

  1. You are setting a great example for your kids.
    Bummer, there weren’t stuffed Sneetches when I was a kid.
    Awesome you guys set up the website!

    • Thank you Alex…I think it’s really funny how you love Sneetches as much as my daughter does…totally her favorite. I appreciate you taking time and stopping in today 😉

  2. Awww, what a cute post. Best reason to write ever!

  3. You’re doing your kids right in more ways than one. Yes, you’re demonstrating first-hand about the dreaming-doing concept, but you’ve obviously instilled a love of reading into them., too. Far too many parents don’t.

    BTW, the icon associated with comments you leave is still linked to your old blog. I thought you might like to know. 🙂

    • Thank you Susan for letting me know about my website link. I’ve been stewing over it for days and I can’t seem to figure it out. Sigh. I will have to go to Google’s help window on this one. Lol

  4. Love it! My kids are a big motivator for me…not to write. But at the same time, they all think it’s pretty cool when I put a book out. So there’s that.

  5. What a wonderful story. I’m in awe over a teacher that makes house calls. I’d like to say I’m inspired to walk in her footsteps, but just not going to happen!

    • Thank you Jacqui. She’s an amazing lady and I am so proud my kids were in her care. I would like to be a preschool teacher too in theory…but I am afraid there would be no energy left for me at the end of the day…lol

  6. I love that your kids are reminding you of your passion and motivation. That is awesome. 🙂

  7. I would like to think that I inspire other writers because when they read my work they think: “Hey, I can write better than that!” and then they do.

    IWSG February

  8. Ah, yes, the reason we write: to dream and to teach how to dream. Thanks for sharing, Erika 🙂 Good luck with the anthology blog.

  9. Stephanie Scott

    A great reminder to ask ourselves why we write. I love your reasoning! And so cute your kids like playing school and teaching 🙂

    Here’s my February IWSG post: Stephanie Scott How I Read Now

  10. Wonderful, Erika. I love the way kids interact with books. It’s heartwarming for sure. 🙂

  11. That is a great reason! Being a parent is about exactly what you said, letting your kids know they can achieve their dreams in life by setting the example for them. It’s very cute how excited they were to read and pass along that to their stuffed characters. 🙂

  12. Wonderful post, Erika, so heartwarming. I hope your beautiful relationship with your kids will continue far into their adulthood. I never had this feeling myself. I started writing when my kids were in high school. For them, it was, something of a whim of their aging mother. It’s changed recently – they outgrew their teenage years – but not by much. Neither of them reads my stories or my blog. Instead, I have my online friends and I treasure them.

    • Thank yo Olga. I think change is harder the older kids are. I bet your kiddos will continue to embrace your awesomeness the older they get. Friends are treasures. Especially the lifelong and supportive ones 🙂

  13. That sounds like a memory you will cherish!

  14. There is nothing better than watching children discover the love of reading. 🙂

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  15. An excellent post! I love your passion for writing (and for your children, their hopes and inspiring them to follow their dreams). As my boys have grown, it is harder to remember those little boys, new to the world, discovering everything and anything for the first time. Reading this was a nice reminder and a chance to connect with that emotion again. Thank you.

  16. Wonderful post. Love your reason to write.
    Happy IWSG Day
    Juneta @ Writer’s Gambit

  17. Our kids really do have a way of reminding us what is really important. My grandchildren keep asking me to write a chapter book. I think I need too!

  18. This is such a lovely post! You’ve definitely got the best motivation for writing 🙂

  19. Beautiful! The places they will go! Thanks for sharing such joy!

  20. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Dr. Seuss.
    I actually want to buy a hardcover set of his entire collection…when I can find it, of course. I’m sure it’s on Amazon but probably pricey. 🙂
    I’ll investigate.

    I also love reading to children.
    Every opportunity that I have, I read the English prescribed setwork with my grade 8 and 9 learners.
    You’ll be amazed how much they enjoy it when I read, even though they are already teens. The thing is, many of them haven’t really been exposed to reading from a very young age. So they don’t realise the joy in reading. For many of them, it’s boring. I’m trying to suck them into the ‘reading world’…to change that mindset. It’s not easy. 🙂

    Your kids are SO FORTUNATE to have you as their mom…and vice versa
    “Oh The Places, They will,” most definitely go. YES. I agree.

    • Oh Michelle, you bring tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for this sweet reflection. I love reading to kids every chance I get. I am sure the book is pretty pricey. Lucky for me, I received my own personal version when I graduated high school…A very long time ago. I am going to try to find your blog:)

  21. Your post made me all “vaklempt” to quote Mike Myers. Beautiful.🤗

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