Secret [of the Souls] No Longer

Ever On Word

It’s a Cover Reveal Day for fellow J. Taylor Publishing author Terri Rochenski! Remember last fall when Terri stopped by here with a letter to one of her characters from her novel, “Eye of the Soul”? Well, that novel’s sequel in the works. And just look at how pretty its face is!


Sword! Castle! Water! Sky! Green eyes! Just throw half of my favorite things all together, why don’t you! Of course, it’s only fitting that the cover be so fantastic. The book is a fantasy, after all.

Meanwhile, on the back of the book…

Thrust out of their homes by a human High Priest on a vengeful mission, the Natives of Derlund no longer have a place to call their own. One escaped capture, however, and now she, Hyla, is the only one who can save her people.

For, Hyla, though, saving her nation isn’t her ultimate goal—returning…

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About Erika Beebe

Author, dreamer, and a momma to a couple of wonderful kids, I try to live life everyday in hope and inspire others along my way.

Posted on April 8, 2014, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Hey-hey, thanks for the reblog, Erika! *gazes at cover all over again*

  2. I can’t wait to read them back to back. 🙂

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

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